Friday 23 September 2011

Gele!!!!! Mystery solved

The art of tying Gele( Nigerian Headgear) has always mystified me, from creating eccentric styles to giving them names like  Onile gogoro, Idi Okin( Peacock's behind) lol . I have always looked at the experts as semi gods. Never would I have thought that one day I would also become an expert  at only one style....wink!wink!...... Its my blog and I'm allowed to brag :)

The trick to a nice looking Gele is having a good, neat and strong base. You just fold  a quarter or half of the head wrap depending on the size you want and either tie it from the back or from the front  and the rest is to make gentle manoeuvres to create the look that you want, a little tug here and there and you are good to go.
Note that when tying from back to front, where the wrap meets must overlap neatly( except you don't mind having a horn)
Most times I tie mine from back to front( its much easier for me) so discover what works for you.
Also to know if your base is good enough especially when tying on someone else's head, knot it so hard till she screams..... just kidding

                                               (I even practise at work ....shhh!)

As with all things, the key to perfection is constant practise, I'm learning and improving daily!!!!!



  1. Till this day I don't know how to tie a gele. I'm must learn this. Everytime there's a party I take my gele with me and stand in line along with other novices like me to have it tied for me. Congrats on starting your blog.

    Kemi at


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