Sunday 6 March 2011

Red Lipstick

Suitable for all skin shades yet most ladies have a phobia for putting it on. For me its the fastest way to go from girl next door to drop dead gorgeous. Its as simple as ABC if you follow the guidelines below

- Pair your red lipstick with a light eye make up
- Line your lips with a darker shade of your lipstick
- Be precise red lipstick shouldn't be worn in a cab
-Avoid getting lipstick on your teeth
-Avoid deep reds if you have thin lips(it would only make them look thinner)
- Soften your red lipstick by adding a gold or pink gloss

Ps: In this pic I am wearing sleek's true colour lipstick in vixen, tara orekelewa lip liner in wine and sleek's clear fruit glaze. Kindly ignore my eye make up lol!

So ladies try something new!!!!!

My First time

Wow! I finally got the nerve to dedicate all my energy to something I hope I will do consistently. I am doing a little rebranding on myself and I have made up mind to try out something new every once in a while so this month , the new thing I am trying out is blogging,  blogging about make up, skin care and everything that makes a girl happy. Ciao
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